Will A Print Shop Fold The Material They Print? Will It Cost Extra?

If you’re looking to print material and have it folded, you may be wondering whether the printing shop will do that for you. Folded prints are an easy way to save some space in your home or office. However, there are some important things to know about this certain printing service before purchasing your next order.

Many Print Shops Will Fold The Materials They Print

If you choose to have the item folded after being printed on both sides, then the cost will vary depending on material type and size. In standard single-sided printing, where only one side of your paper is printed, there is no additional cost for having your printed material folded.

Folding Is An Extra Service That May Cost More Than Single-Side Printing

When choosing your printing options, it’s important to know that having your prints folded is an extra service that may cost more than single-side printing. The cost of this specific printing service will vary depending on material type and size. The price of this extra service will then be determined by the print shop you choose, so it’s best to ask the printing shop what they charge first before signing up.

How Much Will Print Folding Cost?

A typical print shop will charge around $0.05 per unit for smaller quantities, or $0.01 per unit or less if you order in bulk. However, if your printing company specializes in folding materials, this could be more expensive than other types of printing services because they need to invest in specialized equipment that can handle delicate materials like paper and plastics without damaging them.

In Standard Single-Sided Printing, There Is No Additional Cost For Folding

In standard single-sided printing, there is no additional cost for having your printed material folded because the said service is already included in the price of single-sided printing. So generally speaking, single-sided prints tend to be less expensive than double-sided ones since they require less paper or other materials.

The Cost Of Folding On Both Sides Will Vary Depending On The Material And Size

If you choose to have the item folded after being printed on both sides, the cost will vary depending on material type and size. If you’re printing on cardstock paper (a heavyweight), then it might cost more than when printing on newspaper (a lightweight).

Also, if you’re printing something small like a business card or postcard, then there’s no need for expensive folding machines because those items can be easily folded by hand with no issue at all. But if you’re having some larger items printed like banners or posters, then they should be professionally folded so they look good when hung up somewhere public.